
Mental Skills Training Program-Group
The team presentation is a comprehensive and interactive program with specific development and integration of mental skills designed to help transform competitors into CHAMPIONS. It will help teams change their approach to training and transform those close losses to wins. It will reduce anxiety and build confidence, which leads to persistence and ends in success.
Options include:
- Single Mental Skills Training Program (MSTP)
- Three Session In Person Package-MSTP and 2 additional follow-ups (all in person)
- Three Session Hybrid Package- MSTP in person and 2 virtual follow-ups
- Season Package (in person): 3 session In Person Package, attend live game including availability to meet with team, “unlimited access” for coaches/athletes throughout season for support and guidance
- Season Package (hybrid): 3 Session Hybrid Package, attend live game including availability to meet with team, “unlimited access” for coaches/athletes throughout season for support and guidance
- Coping with Athletic Injury Program

Coaches will learn how to communicate more effectively with their players. Individuals will learn how to improve their own performance while supporting their teammates to work towards common goals.
However, like everything else, this requires attention, dedication and practice. Once teams learn how to devote the time and effort to developing mental skills, their physical skills will progress much faster and results will be evident. This program can be utilized in various settings to help athletes grow while active or injured.
Athletes and coaches are encouraged to communicate directly with Dr. T throughout the process to obtain feedback as needed.